Event Details

There has been a significant advancement in the field of refractive surgery in the past years. However, the surgical treatment of patients with high refractive errors remains a challenging and often controversial undertaking. This webinar will present the latest scientific insights into laser and intraocular refractive surgical methods for patients with high myopia, hypermetropia, and astigmatism.


20:00 Short introduction

Chair: Daniel Kook and Simonetta Morselli

20:00 - 20:12 Update on corneal refractive procedures in high ametropia

Speaker: Mirko Jankov

20:12 - 20:24 Corneal refractive surgery in high astigmatism

Speaker: Leopoldo Spadea

20:24 - 20:36 Phakic IOL in extreme myopia

Speaker: Antonio Marinho

20:36 - 20:48 Refractive lens exchange

Speaker: Carlos Lisa

20:48 - 21:00 Discussion/Conclusion led by chairs

Speaker: All
